Monday, February 17, 2014

Sal Goes to an Amazing Show!

Last night Sal and I had the great pleasure of attending an extremely enjoyable show at NightTown!   We were accompanied by our friend, Heidi, who always finds out about the cool things to do.  My life would be much more boring if I didn't hang out with her.  :)

The performer we drove across town to see was April Verch, an amazing fiddler/dancer/singer-songwriter.  This lady plays her violin like it is a part of her and her dancing is mind-boggling.  I watched and listened in awe.  She was accompanied by two very talented gentlemen:  Cody Walters on upright bass and banjo (not at the same time, of course), and Hayes Griffin on guitar and mandolin (one instrument at a time).

Between sets I purchased a cd and a fiddling instruction book coauthored by Ms. Verch.  (Apparently I'm an eternal optimist.  I actually hope to someday be able to play some of the tunes in the book!)  I got pictures of Sal with Hayes Griffin and Cody Walters.  April Verch was sitting and resting because she wasn't feeling well, but very kindly posed for a picture with Sal anyway.  She was very nice, even though she was probably wishing I would just go away. 

The second set was just as amazing as the first, and ended with a finale during which April Verch played her fiddle and danced at the same time.  It was incredible enough when she did these things one at time, but when she did both simultaneously... WOW!   Since it is impossible for me to describe how entertaining this show was, you can get a little taste of the awesome by watching this video of a live show or  this video of a song from their new cd.  Or better yet, watch both!  I will for sure be going to see April Verch again the next time she travels this way -- and I highly recommend that you do, too!

Cody Walters with Sal.  The corner of the room where the band was hanging out was not well lit, so I had to do some messing around with the pictures on iPhoto.  I used the antique and edge blur effects to get the pictures of the guys to look old -- and I think I like the results.

Hayes Griffin with Sal.  I used the antique and edge blur effects on this photo, too.

I can't believe I was able to salvage this photo.  When I took it I thought it was going to be okay, but when I transferred the pictures to the computer, my heart sank.  Both shots of April Verch were almost completely black.  I lost track of the iPhoto tricks I used, because I had to use so many to get this very flawed result.  Compared with the original, however, this is a fantastic photo!  ;) 

The band in action.  I took a whole bunch of shots, but most of them were blurry because Ms. Verch's bowing arm and feet were in constant amazing motion! 

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