Sal and I just returned home from a very enjoyable evening seeing
Side Show at
Near West Theatre with some of our favorite people. As usual, Near West's production was boffo! The performances were wonderful, the costumes and sets were amazing, and the show was incredibly moving. As people were entering the theatre and finding their seats, I started taking pictures of Sal in front of some of the really cool scenery. Unfortunately I had to stop when a very polite young lady asked me to get down from the steps I was on "for safety reasons." I figured I would take some pictures of Sal with other parts of the scenery (not standing or sitting on any steps, of course) during intermission, but during the first half, the coolest things were removed as the plot progressed. Sigh... (Glad I got a couple of shots before the show started!)
The Side Show set consisted partly of signs like this one, which advertised the "freaks" that customers would see if they entered the eponymous sideshow. I wanted to get pictures of Sal with more of these signs, but alas, it didn't work out (for the reasons described in the paragraph above this photo.) |
I like how Sal looks against the grain of the wooden box she is sitting on -- and the wonderful backdrop, of course. |
After being saved from a possible fall down the scenery steps (though I promise I was being very careful), I went by the concession stand and asked the friendly folks working there if they would pose for a photo with Sal. As you can see, they did!
There are always lots of yummy homemade refreshments at Near West shows. |
I also asked my friend Mary -- who was handing out programs -- to pose with Sal.
I think Mary looks great holding a uke! (hint, hint!) |
I returned to my seat, and greatly enjoyed the show. I must confess that tears were shed by moi in both acts of this touching play. After a well-deserved standing ovation the cast left the stage, and Sal and I drove home -- very happy after another great night at Near West Theatre! If you ever have the chance to see a show there, GO!
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