Sunday, March 31, 2013

Second Trip With Little Sal

My sister very kindly accompanied Sal and I on our second outing, which took place on January 13th.  We planned to visit the Soldiers and Sailors Monument in Cleveland's Public Square, but when we arrived a handwritten paper sign on the door announced that it was closed (presumably for lunch).  We decided to kill time by walking to the Cleveland Arcade, and had a good time trying out various poses for Little Sal's picture there.

We returned to the Soldiers and Sailors Monument and had a wonderful tour.  The names of Cuyahoga County residents who served in the Civil War are engraved into the inside walls of the monument and in the center are four bronze relief sculptures.  The gentleman who gave us the tour very kindly allowed me to place Sal into the sculptures, resulting in these cool photos of her with the Women's Soldiers' and Sailors' Aid Society, who provided medical care for the wounded, and with Abraham Lincoln and the Union Generals.

We finished the day with a stop at the Rockefeller Park Greenhouse where there were still some poinsettias to be seen, and lots of other beautiful plants, too.

My sister took this picture.  She saw possibilities I missed.

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