Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sal Meets Sophia!

Poor Sal.  She's sitting in her bag -- ready to go -- but going nowhere.  Add the Sisyphean Battle With the Relentless Weeds to the usual long list of stuff that must be done, and there is no time available to go someplace fun and write a blog post.  But this weekend, a most exciting event occurred.  Sophia -- the newest member of our family -- came to town for a visit!  And of course Sal had to meet her!  We had a small gathering to introduce some friends to the baby, and Sal got in the picture, too.

Many of Sophia's adoring public gathered on the porch for this shot.  Sal is being held by my ukulele-playing friend, Daylon.  Sophia is being held by her lovely Mom, Jen.

After the festivities were over, Sophia, Sal, and I had a Girls' Night while Mommy and Daddy went out for a few hours.  It was a gorgeous evening, so we started with a walk in the park. 

Sophia is looking quite serious here.  She is following the rules, but Sal is not.  Let's hope Sophia does not follow in Sal's rebellious footsteps!

Then we walked around Grand Pacific Junction a bit.

Sophia's first experience -- and I'm sure not the last -- of having to wait for a train to pass through the center of town. 

And finally back home to get some pictures of Sophia and Sal together.  I hope to take pictures of the two of them whenever possible, of course.  I took lots of shots, as you can well imagine, and had a hard time deciding which to post here.  Since both of these little ladies are so cute, it was impossible to pick just one.

I am looking forward to many more meetings of these two enchanting ladies in the future!  What fun we will have!

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