Saturday, November 2, 2024

Promises, Promises

Sal, Sally, and Willie

So here's the deal... I planned to take Sally on some travels, and actually got as far as going to The Ukebug to buy her a Shakerlele.   (For the backstory on this, check out the last two posts.)  

Once I had my bunny and her shaker ready to go, I realized that I had set quite a challenge for myself. When I traveled with Sal it was just me, the little uke, and a camera or phone.  Easy-peazie.  But now I'd have Sally and her shaker, a camera/phone, AND Willie.  He's a super sweet dog, but he has separation anxiety.  This means getting a dog sitter - or going only where he can go, too.  And then I pictured myself trying to set up and take photos while holding the leash of a dog who would probably be trying to drag me hither and yon to sniff all the strange new smells.

All of these realizations brought me to a stop.  The promised travels didn't happen.  Now, many moons later, I have an idea for a project which I hope to start in January.  Not gonna make any promises now (lesson learned), but please stay tuned...